奈米生醫實驗室 Nanomedicine Laboratory


[News] Nanomedicine Lab.

[News] Nanomedicine 誠徵 研究生及專題生
[賀] 黃婉寧、彭俊軒、林靖昀同學 分別獲得 2014International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine (ISOMRM) 佳作獎
[賀] 莊孟翰同學 獲得 2014幾丁質幾丁聚醣暨生物材料研討會 佳作獎
[賀] 林靖昀同學 獲得 2014中華民國生醫材料及藥物制放研討會暨海峽兩岸生醫材料及藥物制放研討會 優等獎
[賀] 彭俊軒、李易軒同學 分別獲得 2013生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會 優等獎
[賀] 劉俊宏同學 獲得 國科會 102年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫
[賀] 余星億同學 獲得 2013中華民國生醫材料及藥物制放年會 佳作獎(藥物制放組)
[賀] 張祐誠同學 獲得 2013中華民國生醫材料及藥物制放年會 佳作獎(生醫材料組)
[賀] 張祐誠同學 獲得 國科會 101年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫(國立臺灣大學醫學院骨科)
[賀] 謝舜祐同學 錄取國立清華大學材料工程學系101學年度 博士班

[公告] 2013 TTU-NML暑期課程



2011年9月16日 星期五

Publishing Your Research 101

Publishing Your Research 101 - Ep. 1 
How to Write a Paper to Communicate Your Research
About this episode 
The first episode in our series is an interview with Professor George M. Whitesides from Harvard University who has published nearly 600 papers with ACS Publications, and over 1100 articles overall, and has served on the advisory boards of nine peer-reviewed journals.

Publishing Your Research 101 - Ep. 2 
Writing Your Cover Letter
About this episode 
Finally, the article is ready for submission. Now you need to write a cover letter. Is it that important? Do you really need to spend another few hours writing the cover letter, and then perhaps a couple days to allow your co-authors time to review, comment, and agree? Four of our journal editors share their views on the cover letter and how it can help them understand the significance of your work for their journal, and in the discipline.

Publishing Your Research 101 - Ep. 3 
Selecting Peers to Suggest as Reviewers
About this episode 
In the third episode in our publishing series, our editors will provide some tips to help you decide whom to suggest as reviewers for your article. The reviewers will not only make recommendations on whether or not the work should be published, but on its suitability for the journal. They will also make comments and suggestions to help you improve the quality and clarity of your manuscript, and perhaps even to improve your science. Your article, when published, will be better for having gone through this process. It is to your advantage to have knowledgeable and rigorous reviewers evaluating your manuscript.

轉自:ACS Publications

